Our History

The Inchicore Community Creche originated in 1989 in a room at the back of Mary Immaculate Church in Inchicore by Sr. Mairead Holton. The Creche subsequently moved when the then Basketball Hall burned down and was rebuilt through the efforts of Fr Patsy Carolan and others. As part of Fr Patsy’s vision for the future he incorporated two rooms for the Creche into the new building together with toilets and an office. The creche also had the use of the hall, kitchen and an outside play area. The Oblate Crèche was opened in September 2001, with a staff of 10 Community Employment Workers and one Jobs Initiative person. The creche could accommodate 24 children. 

In 2020 the creche was incorporated as a new entity with an Independent Board of Directors. The new entity was named the Inchicore Community Creche, Tony Mc Donagh was appointed as the first Chairperson of the Board of Directors with representatives from the community, experts in childcare and parents. In addition a new manager was appointed Ms Cinthia Conboy.