Our 23'-24 Preschool adventure

Our preschool rooms are designed to accommodate children in their learning through preschool  . Our daily routine is laid out to give meaningful play experiences for children of ECCE age . The Aistear curriculum framework underpins the care and education we provide and children are encouraged and supported to learn and develop to their full potential.

While attending our preschools your child will become familiar with routine, build meaningful relationships and develop their confidence and independence in a secure and fun environment. They will take part in many fun activities which will enhance their learning experiences and celebrate a wide range of celebrations from around the world , these celebrations include national holidays (St.Patrick’s day , Christmas , Halloween) , each and every child’s birthday , fun days such as sports day , teddy bear picnic , science day , arts and crafts , cooking , dress up and many many more ……. Have a look through our preschool images folder and see what fun we get up to


Our 2023-2024Toddler room fun


Adventure Bears